Student Posters 2022
The 2022 MPP call for student posters resulted into 65 posters from students from many Portuguese universities and MIT, showcasing the work of students in the 5 focus areas of the MIT Portugal Program. After a careful selection, 28 student posters have been shortlisted, and 5 have received an award for best poster at the conference on September 20th.
Best Poster
Digital Transformation in Manufacturing
João Alves Ribeiro
Climate Science & Climate Change
Annick Dewald
Earth Systems: Oceans to Near Space
Cadence Payne
Data Science
Vinicius Santana
Sustainable Cities
Leilah Sory
Earth Systems: Oceans to Near Space
Marcos Agiani Tieppo Junior
Earth Systems: Oceans to Near Space
Zoey Bigelow
Data Science
José Caetano
Digital Transformation in Manufacturing
André Cardoso
Earth Systems: Oceans to Near Space
Joana Couceiro
Earth Systems: Oceans to Near Space
Clara Dahill-Baue